Monday, April 14, 2014

Human Herpes Virus


Human Herpes viruses lead to human viral disease. They are capable of causing overt disease, or remaining silent for many years only to be reactivated, for example; shingles. 

The word Herpes comes from Greek word Herpein which means to creep. In a way, the virus does the mimics the creeping as it spreads through the victim's body forming lesions. All types of herpes spreads in a similar way.

There are currently eight known/identified Human Herpes Viruses:

  1. Human Herpes Virus 1 (HHV-1) or Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) typically causes Cold Sores.
  2. Human Herpes Virus 2 (HHV-2) is also known as Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2). The virus typically causes Genital Herpes.
  3. Human Herpes Virus 3 (HHV-3) is also called Varicella Coster. The virus causes Chickenpox.
  4. Human Herpes Virus 4 (HHV-4) also known as Eipstein-Barr virus. The virus is the major cause of infectious Mononucleosis, or the Kissing Disease (Mono). 
  5. Human Herpes Virus 5 (HHV-5) is the official name of Cytomegalovirus (CMV). CMV can cause Mononucleosis, Problems to the newborns, and Hepatitis.
  6. Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6). The virus causes Rosella (a viral disease causing high fever and a skin rash in small children).
  7. Human Herpes Virus 7 (HHV-7) is closely related to HHV-6 which can also cause Rosella.
  8. Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV-8) was recently discovered in the tumours called Kaposi's Sarcoma.
A Herpes outbreak commonly starts with one or a few small blisters. The Herpes blisters often turn black if they are not promptly treated within several days.

The Herpes blisters often appear like mosquito bites, the collection of small blisters, sometimes a spot (zit) or a white-head. Herpes usually starts with an itch and a rash.
The skin area that is infected by the Herpes virus is usually red and tender. The swelling occurs until small blisters appear. Sometimes the blisters gather in a larger blister, they appear transparent, whitish, and yellowish or filled with a greenish liquid.

Human Herpes Virus 1 (Cold Sores)

Human Herpes Virus 2 (Genital Herpes)

Human Herpes Virus 3 (Chickenpox)

Human Herpes Virus 4 (Mononucleosis)



The initial outbreak of Herpes can last several days to several weeks. It is often associated with a longer duration of Herpetic lesions. 
The outbreak can be triggered by:

  • Stress.
  • Other infections that may suppress the immune system.
  • Sunlight.
  • Fevers.
  • Trauma.
  • Sexual stimulation.
The Herpes outbreak begins with prodromal tingling and itching where the lesion will later occur.


In many cases, many people test positive for Herpes and never get outbreaks and probably do not pass it on to others. The question is why? Some people's immune systems are strong enough to fight off the virus. The virus can sneak by our immune system, then trigger a harmful immune response or destroy  cells of important tissues.
Some Factors can directly affect the severity, duration, and extent of individual infections: 
  • Site of entry.
  • The viral strain.
  • Strength of your immune system.
  • General health and nutrition status.
  • Other disease that you may have.
  • Genetic makeup.
  • Age. 


The most important for you to realize is that you are not alone. Herpes infects people from all walks of life; rich, famous, poor, and even good people get infected.

People with Herpes need to make adjustment to prevent the transmission, have the guidance to live through it, and discover the knowledge of Herpes.


I struggled with Herpes for years until I discovered these miraculous remedies, and hope that by sharing this knowledge with you, I have given you the power to do the same  --- Allison Freeman

cure herpes

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