Monday, April 21, 2014

Cold Sores

The fact is, cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus and is considered highly contagious at times. Herpes and cold sores contagious ability can take place at anytime not just when there are active outbreaks or lesions occurring.

Cold sore commonly confused with the genital herpes virus, but it is a separate virus strain. The virus that causes cold sore is typically type 1. The type 1 of herpes simplex virus is more likely to spread through skin-to-skin contact, such as kissing and other forms of skin contact.

Herpes simplex can infect oral, genital, or anal areas. Sharing of glasses, toothbrushes, or other saliva-contaminated items also spreads it. The virus is also likely to spread through thing like sharing towels. 

Over 90% of the world's population has been exposed to this cold sore virus. While the virus can be spread at any time, it is more contagious when a person has an active lesion of cold sores on their body. They usually appear on the lips, the nose or on the mouth. 

Cold Sores on Nose

Cold Sores on Lips

Cold Sores on Mouth

Commonly, Cold Sores sufferers will experience symptoms before there are visible blisters that appear on the mouth, lips or nose. The symptoms are called "prodomes" and refer to sensations of burning or tingling in the areas in which a sore is beginning to develop. Also redness can begin to form as the blister is developing. 

Cold Sores Stages


The specific breakdown of the symptoms that a cold sore will cause during specific phases. 

  1. Warning signs that cold sore is developing, including warming sensations, tingling, itching and redness.
  2. Antibodies are arriving to the area of the cold sore formation, causing skin swelling and redness.
  3. Small or large blisters begin to form on the lips, mouth or nose.
  4. The blisters develop into larger sores, often accompanied with pain.
  5. The sores or blisters begin to dry up, forming scabs. 


Just like I've mentioned above, Cold Sore is commonly confused with the genital herpes virus. Technically speaking, genital herpes and cold sores are two different things. They affect different parts of the body and have their own distinctive characteristics. They are, however, very closed related; meaning that cold sores can turn into genital herpes and vice versa. 

For example, if your partner has genital herpes and you perform oral sex on him/her, there is a good chance that you'll eventually develop oral herpes and subsequently; cold sores. Likewise, if you have oral herpes and perform oral sex on your partner, he/she will definitely develop genital herpes, as both cold sores and genital herpes are highly contagious. 

What's important is that you educate yourself on what herpes is and how it may infest itself on different parts on the body, and take precautionary measures to prevent yourself from getting infected, or yourself from infecting others. 


Find out of how many people address its symptoms by using 3 step approaches, you will be amazed at how effective they are. See it here

banish your cold sores

Monday, April 14, 2014

Human Herpes Virus


Human Herpes viruses lead to human viral disease. They are capable of causing overt disease, or remaining silent for many years only to be reactivated, for example; shingles. 

The word Herpes comes from Greek word Herpein which means to creep. In a way, the virus does the mimics the creeping as it spreads through the victim's body forming lesions. All types of herpes spreads in a similar way.

There are currently eight known/identified Human Herpes Viruses:

  1. Human Herpes Virus 1 (HHV-1) or Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) typically causes Cold Sores.
  2. Human Herpes Virus 2 (HHV-2) is also known as Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2). The virus typically causes Genital Herpes.
  3. Human Herpes Virus 3 (HHV-3) is also called Varicella Coster. The virus causes Chickenpox.
  4. Human Herpes Virus 4 (HHV-4) also known as Eipstein-Barr virus. The virus is the major cause of infectious Mononucleosis, or the Kissing Disease (Mono). 
  5. Human Herpes Virus 5 (HHV-5) is the official name of Cytomegalovirus (CMV). CMV can cause Mononucleosis, Problems to the newborns, and Hepatitis.
  6. Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6). The virus causes Rosella (a viral disease causing high fever and a skin rash in small children).
  7. Human Herpes Virus 7 (HHV-7) is closely related to HHV-6 which can also cause Rosella.
  8. Human Herpes Virus 8 (HHV-8) was recently discovered in the tumours called Kaposi's Sarcoma.
A Herpes outbreak commonly starts with one or a few small blisters. The Herpes blisters often turn black if they are not promptly treated within several days.

The Herpes blisters often appear like mosquito bites, the collection of small blisters, sometimes a spot (zit) or a white-head. Herpes usually starts with an itch and a rash.
The skin area that is infected by the Herpes virus is usually red and tender. The swelling occurs until small blisters appear. Sometimes the blisters gather in a larger blister, they appear transparent, whitish, and yellowish or filled with a greenish liquid.

Human Herpes Virus 1 (Cold Sores)

Human Herpes Virus 2 (Genital Herpes)

Human Herpes Virus 3 (Chickenpox)

Human Herpes Virus 4 (Mononucleosis)



The initial outbreak of Herpes can last several days to several weeks. It is often associated with a longer duration of Herpetic lesions. 
The outbreak can be triggered by:

  • Stress.
  • Other infections that may suppress the immune system.
  • Sunlight.
  • Fevers.
  • Trauma.
  • Sexual stimulation.
The Herpes outbreak begins with prodromal tingling and itching where the lesion will later occur.


In many cases, many people test positive for Herpes and never get outbreaks and probably do not pass it on to others. The question is why? Some people's immune systems are strong enough to fight off the virus. The virus can sneak by our immune system, then trigger a harmful immune response or destroy  cells of important tissues.
Some Factors can directly affect the severity, duration, and extent of individual infections: 
  • Site of entry.
  • The viral strain.
  • Strength of your immune system.
  • General health and nutrition status.
  • Other disease that you may have.
  • Genetic makeup.
  • Age. 


The most important for you to realize is that you are not alone. Herpes infects people from all walks of life; rich, famous, poor, and even good people get infected.

People with Herpes need to make adjustment to prevent the transmission, have the guidance to live through it, and discover the knowledge of Herpes.


I struggled with Herpes for years until I discovered these miraculous remedies, and hope that by sharing this knowledge with you, I have given you the power to do the same  --- Allison Freeman

cure herpes

Friday, April 11, 2014


Eczema is a term for skin condition that is extremely itchy, dry, irritated, and even broken skin. Eczema or atopic dermatitis mainly affects children. The "atopic" comes from "atopy", which is the term  for hypersensitivity skin reaction.
The atopic dermatitis begins at any age, however this is not normal. 90% of individuals who suffer from atopic dermatitis develop the disorder before 5 years of age. The disease is most commonly seen in children and infants.

The symptoms for both adults and children are actually the same, which are often most bothersome during evening and night time, causing disruptions to sleep. 
The common symptoms of eczema:
  • Dry skin.
  • Extremely itchy at night.
  • Broken skin appears.
  • "Flakey".
  • Swelling.
  • Burning sensation.
  • The development of blisters.
  • The open sores.
The open sores can be caused by unconsciously scratching during bedtime.

The non-contagious eczema is commonly caused by the genetic link that runs in family. Other causes of eczema such as industrialized environment, and abnormal function of the immune system. People who stay in industrialized area likely to develop this disorder. 
About 50% of children that suffer atopic dermatitis will continue to experience symptoms of some sort into their adulthood. The flare ups of eczema last from 24 hours to several weeks. The common sites for flare ups in adults; Extremities, Behind the knees, Ankles, Wrists, Face, Neck, Chest. In children; Scalp, Face, and Cheeks. 
In some cases eczema can appear around the eyes and eyelids.



In about 3-5 days, once every 2 months, will help to calm the body's immune system, so that your reaction to eczema causing allergens and triggers will be greatly reduced. You will find your skin is different in appearance and feel!!!

The purpose of this simple and enjoyable cleanse is able to calm the body and reduce the impact of the triggers that used to cause eczema:

  • Eat a wide variety of the fruits that you enjoy and also vegetable juice and flax oil - just one tablespoon a day.
  • Consuming the omega 3,6, and 9 of fatty acids will help to repair your skins moisture while the triggers of eczema are reduced.

The duration of fruit cleanse will take around 3-5 days, one every 60 days. In choosing the fruits, please choose the fruits that are ripe and flavorful fruits, so the fruit cleanse is easy and enjoyable to be applied. The high fiber fruits will bind to water and cleanse your digestive tract, and fruits that have a lot of water content are really really good things.

We have methods that reveal the natural safe remedy that people can use at home to remove the scarring PERMANENTLY. Looking forward to hearing from you!!!
